Herb'N Eden blog

4 Major Keys To Stress Relief
The mere thought of stress alone, gets my heart in a panic! Not to mention, the energy that stressful situations and thoughts consume. Stress is something that affects the being mentally, physically, & spiritually. It consumes your thoughts and degrades...
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Tea Tree Oil Uses in Natural Soap
I know this looks like Breaking Bad, but it's soap making! I'm whipping up a batch of tea tree and turmeric soap, a wonderful example of tea tree soap, so you all can see the process behind the bar. I remember when I made this soap for the very first time. I was mesmerized by the bright orange color after infusing the organic turmeric soap!This soap reminds me of my zodiac sign, Virgo, which is also an earth/mutable sign. "Mutable", means capable of change. Once the turmeric is added the color changes throughout the saponification process. Not to mention, tea tree has a somewhat earthy camphor smell.
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5 Skin Healing Herbs
Herbs have been around as long as we can imagine. Renowned for their amazing effects in conjunction with the human body, there are herbs with the power to heal the skin. With the use of so many harsh chemicals, many...
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