Herb'N Eden blog
What is natural soap? Natural soap is all about what is or isn't in the ingredients. For us, natural means no chemical fragrances, artificial colors, or other harsh ingredients that can irritate the skin. Instead, we use only essential oils...
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How does free shipping all month sound? As Black entrepreneurs, we are super excited to celebrate Black History Month and salute the many contributions of the Black community to the world. We also want to celebrate the beautiful Black shades...
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Herbal products for treating eczema Eczema is a common skin challenge and one of the ones I'm asked about the most. Of course, there are herbal skin care products that treat eczema without adding to the irritation, but you need...
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Rule #1 for clear skin: Know your skin type By understanding your skin type, you can pinpoint your personal skin challenges and create a routine that's sure to work for you. Watch this episode of Herb 'N Eden After Hours...
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